Tao of Bill Murray Review Roundup
The Tao of Bill Murray came out last week, and there was rejoicing throughout the land. I think rather highly of the book–as well I should–but perhaps you’d like reports and opinions from some impartial commentators?
In the New York Times Book Review, columnist John Williams observed that “there seems to be just one big rule underlying the many anecdotes in this book: Have bizarre fun however and whenever you want.”
At the Washington Post, reviewer John Wilwol wrote that it “captures Murray’s enigmatic, comic genius.”
In Newsday (the New York newspaper based in Long Island), Daniel Bubbeo called it “insightful” and noted “You never know what to expect from Bill Murray whenever he’s on film, but the actor is even more unpredictable off screen.”
And over at the GeekDad website, James Floyd Kelly reviewed the book and declared, “You will love The Tao of Bill Murray. Period.”
posted 26 September 2016 in Buy My Stuff, Links and tagged roundups, The Tao of Bill Murray. no comments yet