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Thirteenth Anniversary

I still think about my experiences on 9/11, and am grateful that they recede into history, even if the consequences of that day don’t.

posted 11 September 2014 in Archives, Self-reflexive. no comments yet

2013 State of the Website

I’m not a big fan of “gee, sorry this site hasn’t been so active lately, I promise I’ll do better” posts, which are basically net kudzu, but since it’s a new year, it seems like a good time for a quick update: I have segued directly from working on the VJ book (out in May) […]

posted 3 January 2013 in Self-reflexive. 5 comments

The Long Short List

This was a cool surprise: Apparently the Da Capo anthology Best Music Writing 2011, guest-edited by the estimable Alex Ross, includes 32 essays on music published in 2010. I didn’t make that cut, but I appear to be represented in the “Other Notable Music Writing” list at the back, for my profile of producer Dr. […]

posted 18 October 2012 in Self-reflexive. no comments yet

Ouroboros Alert

Today, I give thanks for self-referentiality; over the course of my life, it has made me very happy. And this week, it enabled me to write the oral history of the oral history of oral histories. Happy Thanksgiving.

posted 24 November 2011 in Outside, Self-reflexive, Tasty Bits. no comments yet

Occupy Maiden Lane

I lived for many years on Broadway, about two blocks away from Zuccotti Park, where the Occupy Wall Street protesters have encamped. (Although Zuccotti Park itself is not familiar to me–I believe it was fenced up and under renovation for most of the years I lived near it.) In recent weeks, Occupy Wall Street’s winding, […]

posted 17 October 2011 in Photos, Self-reflexive. no comments yet

Friday Foto: Self Portrait

Via a thermal imager.

posted 22 April 2011 in Photos, Self-reflexive. 3 comments

The Boogie-Woogie Flu

Howdy. We were out of commission for a little while here at Rule Forty-Two, because the site’s database got hacked (like many other sites running on WordPress recently), redirecting readers to a malware site such as, and possibly trying to entice you to click on a fake Windows Virus Scan. Everything should be working […]

posted 29 July 2010 in Self-reflexive. 1 comment

On the Blink

The new issue of Rolling Stone has two of the magazine’s perennial features: a cover image of Barack Obama (his fourth, I believe) and an article by me on Blink-182 (my fifth). The article isn’t available online, so if you want to read about Travis Barker’s harrowing recovery and the band’s reunion, you’ll have to […]

posted 13 August 2009 in Articles, Self-reflexive. no comments yet

Hey Hey What Can I Do

I don’t write about my personal life very often on this here bloggish thing, but I’m making an exception this time: my wife and I just had our second son. He’s named Dashiell, and he already rocks the house. For all the obvious reasons, posting here may be erratic for the next month or so.

posted 18 February 2009 in Self-reflexive. no comments yet

If I Could Stick My Pen in My Heart

I apologize for the lack of posts this week; due to a family medical emergency, the regular schedule here at Rule Forty-Two HQ may be disrupted for some time to come. I did want to mention, in a followup to last week’s post about how various songwriting partnerships work, that in an effort to plumb […]

posted 21 November 2008 in Self-reflexive, Tasty Bits. no comments yet