The Boogie-Woogie Flu

Howdy. We were out of commission for a little while here at Rule Forty-Two, because the site’s database got hacked (like many other sites running on WordPress recently), redirecting readers to a malware site such as, and possibly trying to entice you to click on a fake Windows Virus Scan. Everything should be working as intended now, but if you have a Windows machine and you saw that malware site, you probably should do a real virus scan in case you got infected. My apologies.

posted 29 July 2010 in Self-reflexive and tagged . 1 comment

One Comment Thus Far on The Boogie-Woogie Flu

  1. Gavin Says:

    Also: I’ve taken the opportunity to add the option to subscribe to comments. If you want to get email notifications, you should be able to click the “Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail” box just below your comment; you’ll then get an email with a confirmation link, and be able to keep apprised of new comments on any individual post.

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