How to Get a Signed and/or Inscribed Copy of Last Night at the Viper Room

lastnightsmallI have been getting email requests from people who want to copies of Last Night at the Viper Room signed by me, either for themselves or for loved ones; I am happy to oblige, of course. The easiest and best way to make this happen, now that my two-city world tour has concluded, is for you to phone up the good people at Book Soup here in Los Angeles: 310-659-3110. They will be more than happy to sell you a copy of the book–before they ship it out to you, I will swing by and sign it. If you want it inscribed or otherwise personalized, please give them the necessary information on the phone. And since you’re making this phone call, you might want to order some other books, either by me (could I interest you in VJ, cowritten with the original MTV VJs?) or by any of the fine authors in this world who are not me. Book Soup is an outstanding independent bookstore, where I’ve been a happy customer for two decades; when you order a book from them, know that you’re helping keep a good bookstore in business.

I’ll be stopping by Book Soup periodically; the next time I’m doing that is at the end of this week, so call them up by Thursday the 21st if you’d like a signed copy of Last Night at the Viper Room sooner rather than later.

posted 18 November 2013 in Buy My Stuff and tagged , . no comments yet

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