Viper Room Interview Roundup
One of the nice things about releasing a book is that smart people want to talk about it with you. If you’re interested in knowing more about about Last Night at the Viper Room, or if you just want to see how I handle answering questions instead of asking them, perhaps you’d like to check out these interviews that I did about the book?
The Barnes & Noble Review (with Bill Tipper)
After Party Chat, an addiction-recovery website (with Amanda Lauren)
CBS News (David Chiu)
USA Today, with an article (by Donna Friedkin) on Phoenix’s legacy that includes some quotations from me
Or maybe words on the page seem overly flat, somehow, and you’d like to see video of me?
The KTLA morning show (that’s the CW affiliate in Los Angeles)
With a CNN crew, standing outside the Viper Room
Wait, is that overstimulating? Perhaps you’d prefer just audio, then.
NPR’s Weekend Edition (with Rachel Martin)
(That last one also has a transcript, so you can calibrate the degree of input you’d prefer.)
posted 6 November 2013 in Buy My Stuff, Links and tagged Barnes & Noble Review, CNN, Last Night at the Viper Room, NPR, USA Today. no comments yet