Many Rivers to Cross
I have another feature article in Rolling Stone that’s not available online: this time, it’s a profile of Rivers Cuomo, who I’ve known on-and-off for about fifteen years (I edited two pieces he wrote for Details about life on the road; you can read them here and here). If you’re interested in my 1997 article about Weezer, you can read it here. If you want the up-to-date story, “Rivers Cuomo Grows Up (But Don’t Worry, He’s Still Kinda Weird),” you’ll just have to pick up the paper magazine.
My favorite exchange in our interviews ended up not making the final story: Cuomo was telling me about the Rolling Stone photo shoot, which featured him in a wetsuit with a boogie board on a beach by the Santa Monica pier. The flippers, apparently, were just for the picture: he described them as “awkward and difficult.”
“So they were autobiographical?” I asked.
He laughed heartily. “I guess so.”
posted 2 November 2009 in Articles and tagged Details, Rivers Cuomo, Rolling Stone, Weezer. no comments yet