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I recently conducted an interview with Rivers Cuomo (another in our series of conversations across the past two decades), this time for the British skate magazine called Huck. If you are in the UK, you can find it on sale somewhere near you now. If you are not, you can read a taste on the […]

posted 1 June 2011 in Archives. no comments yet

Many Rivers to Cross

I have another feature article in Rolling Stone that’s not available online: this time, it’s a profile of Rivers Cuomo, who I’ve known on-and-off for about fifteen years (I edited two pieces he wrote for Details about life on the road; you can read them here and here). If you’re interested in my 1997 article […]

posted 2 November 2009 in Articles. no comments yet


I almost wrote a college recommendation for Rivers Cuomo. Between Weezer and Pinkerton, he had decided to go back to college, and so he left me a voicemail asking if I would write him a recommendation for his Harvard application. We weren’t able to connect on the phone for a few hours, and by the […]

posted 4 June 2008 in Archives, Articles, Links. no comments yet