Sarah “Big S” Silverman
Since there’s a new season of The Sarah Silverman Program starting tonight, it seemed like a good time for me to put an extended version of my 2002 interview with Silverman up in the archives.
A few notes:
1. Silverman kept doing the Jesus Is Magic jokes for many years–one of the things I liked about her having a TV show (aside from, you know, it being entertaining) is that it required her to come up with new material.
2. The sister who appears in this article is not the same sister who’s a member of the TV show cast.
3. Silverman had just started dating Jimmy Kimmel when I interviewed her; she acknowledged she had a boyfriend, but wouldn’t tell me who it was.
4. In retrospect, I don’t think Silverman actually tells many jokes about racism per se, although racism often appears in her act. I think she usually does material about being unaware and self-absorbed, and is at her funniest when she fuels the comedy with something serious/transgressive in the real world, such as racism or genocide.
“I love everything about strippers–except the way their butts get that metal-pole smell.”
posted 8 October 2008 in Archives, Articles and tagged comedy, Sarah Silverman. no comments yet