Jetlag Special #2

As promised a couple of weeks ago, I’ve added my 1996 profile of Oasis to the archives.

I did most of the interviews for the article in London (I met up with the band again a few weeks later in Boston). I went to the UK on a redeye flight; because I was young and stupid, I stayed up all night on the plane, listening to the advance tape of (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? over and over, prepping all my questions. I staggered through Heathrow, made it to my London hotel room, and promptly fell asleep on the couch for an unscheduled nap. I awoke with a violent start a couple of hours later, and discovered that I had just enough time to make it to my scheduled interview.

I was pretty groggy the whole day, but maybe that just put me more in Liam’s state of mind.

posted 21 May 2008 in Archives, Articles and tagged , . no comments yet

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