Where is “Bullet the Blue Sky” set? I always assumed the United States–mostly because of the way Bono keeps saying “Outside is America.” But just recently I tracked on the lyric in Bono’s rap: You take the staircase to the first floor And thought it was an amusing Irish mistake–here in the U.S.A., pal, we […]
posted 22 March 2012 in Tasty Bits. 2 comments
U2 did a free “surprise” show at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge in November 2004. I took some photos of the concert, but I prefer the picture I took of the bridge:
posted 10 October 2008 in Photos. no comments yet
Kevin Seal explains that they’re shoehorning in another video that didn’t make the cutoff date, one that will in all likelihood appear in the 1989 countdown. (Basically, this means that MTV blocked out time based on ten videos an hour, but some hours (two out of the first two), they have time to play eleven.) […]
posted 7 August 2008 in 1988. 2 comments
I’ve been listening to U2’s “I Will Follow” for over 25 years (not continuously). But only recently did I pay attention to this lyric: Your eyes make a circle Two eyes, of course, make a line. So I am forced to conclude that the person whom Bono is addressing has more than two eyes. Actually, […]
posted 7 July 2008 in Tasty Bits. 1 comment