Shaun White is on the halfpipe today in Sochi (no spoilers here!). If you want to flash back to his first Olympic triumph, eight years ago, you can read my Rolling Stone cover story on the Flying Tomato here. “I need a Crunk Juice glass with diamonds on it,” he told me. Something that didn’t […]
posted 11 February 2014 in Archives, Articles. no comments yet
Snowboarder Shaun White continues to kick ass, having just won a gold medal at the X Games on superpipe, and is considered a leading contender at the Winter Olympics later this month in Vancouver. So it seemed like an opportune moment to remind you of this Rolling Stone cover story in my archives–I got the […]
posted 1 February 2010 in Archives, Articles. no comments yet
Over the weekend, Shaun White won the slopestyle and superpipe events at the Winter X Games, so this seems like an appropriate moment to add this Rolling Stone cover story to the archives, written immediately after White won a gold medal at the 2006 Olympics. I am pleased that it’s one of two articles I […]
posted 26 January 2009 in Archives, Articles. no comments yet