I still think about my experiences on 9/11, and am grateful that they recede into history, even if the consequences of that day don’t.
posted 11 September 2014 in Archives, Self-reflexive. no comments yet
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I still think about my experiences on 9/11, and am grateful that they recede into history, even if the consequences of that day don’t.
posted 11 September 2014 in Archives, Self-reflexive. no comments yet
I am grateful for many things in my life, not least that I think about my experiences on 9/11/2001 with less frequency as the years pass.
posted 11 September 2012 in Archives, Tasty Bits. no comments yet
Photographed in 2005. Eventually I was able to think of the WTC site as a construction project rather than a mass grave–but I never really got used to the immense high-security hole in the ground.
posted 9 September 2011 in Photos, Uncategorized. no comments yet
In the fall of 2001, I lived on 176 Broadway in New York City, one block away from the World Trade Center. It took me a long time to make even rudimentary sense of what happened in my back yard on September 11th, and ultimately flipping a coin and taking photographs proved the best therapy. […]
posted 8 September 2011 in Archives, Unpublished. 3 comments