From the Andy Warhol Diaries, an account of an evening spent with Julia Scorsese (who was then married to Martin Scorsese–they split later the same year). By the time it opened on Broadway, Shine It On had been renamed The Act. Barbara Feldon was best known for playing Agent 99 on Get Smart. Sunday, July […]
posted 10 December 2009 in Excerpts. no comments yet
Another entry from the Andy Warhol Diaries, this one describing a dinner party. Saturday, June 18, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Scorsese, Martin’s parents, were there. They’re taller than he is, which is unusual, because kids are usually taller than their parents…. There was a Negro girl with a baby, too, and the guy with the […]
posted 25 June 2009 in Excerpts. 1 comment
When The Andy Warhol Diaries was published, I gathered from reviews that the book was just the vacuous ramblings of a star-fucker. But twenty years late to the party, I’ve been reading it, and it’s hugely, constantly entertaining. You don’t get much sense of Warhol’s artistic process from it, true. Instead, you get top-notch dish […]
posted 2 March 2009 in Excerpts. 2 comments