Live! One Night Only!
Hey, Los Angelenos! I will be appearing at the Pop-Hop Bookshop tonight! It is in Highland Park, and it is filled with goodness (and books)! I will be talking with Jennifer Keishin Armstrong–she’ll be reading from Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted, while I’ll do an excerpt from VJ. There will be conversation about television, Hawaii, and Donald Trump, and we’ll both be happy to sign books or body parts. This evening of quality entertainment is absolutely free: a fabulous time is guaranteed, or your money back.
The Pop-Hop Bookshop
5002 York Blvd (that’s in the Highland Park neighborhood, close to Occidental College)
LA CA 90042
Thursday, July 11, at 7 pm.
See you tonight! Bring everyone you’ve ever met!
posted 11 July 2013 in Buy My Stuff, News and tagged Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, VJ. no comments yet