By the Way
You may have noticed that posting here at R42 HQ has been lighter in the past year than in the past, for which I apologize. Aside from the generic huggermugger of a busy life getting in the way of my Quality Blogging Time, I’ve had a specific big project I’ve been working on, called VJ. It’s the memoirs of the original MTV VJs (Nina Blackwood, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter, and Martha Quinn–not, alas, the late J.J. Jackson) and I can’t wait for you to read it. But book publishing being what it is, I’ll have to–until May 7, 2013, anyway. Until then, you can read about it here and pre-order a copy here.
With the book in the hands of the good people at Atria / Simon and Schuster, I am no longer soaking in all things MTV–which means that I hope to resume the 1988 countdown soon, since it will no longer feel like a busman’s holiday.
posted 19 September 2012 in Buy My Stuff and tagged VJ. no comments yet