Friday Foto: More Burning Man


A few more pictures from Burning Man and then I’ll be done for a while (although I might bring some others out as counterprogramming to the Christmas season later in the year–we’ll see). I’m hoping to return to the flipwalks next week.

The Burning Man festival is different things to different people, but I think of it as having three primary faces: 1. An art festival 2. A party 3. An experiment in community values. For me, 2008 was a great party and an exceptional community (thank you to the MASH guy who saw my bicycle seize up after a dust storm and spontaneously offered help and lubricant) , but not such a hot year for art. There were exceptions, not all of them on fire (although the best art at Burning Man usually involves flames). The guys stringing lights and balloons to fishing wire at night, making what appeared from a distance to be a solid archway up to the stars? That was ingenious. And the Temple was particularly beautiful this year.

And when I went out for a bicycle ride on the far reaches of the dusty playa one morning, I found this:


Which was part of this:


A note nearby said the booths were salvaged from an old Los Angeles restaurant that shut down earlier this year. I’m glad they had a second life in the desert sun.

posted 12 September 2008 in Photos and tagged . no comments yet

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