Friday Foto: Burning Man 2008

I brought along my camera to Burning Man this year, but I don’t like taking too many pictures while I’m there; I feel like it puts me in the mindset of being an observer rather than a participant. But one morning, I went for a long bike ride and took a few pictures on the playa.

This one was from the top of the Man’s tower:


And this one, from the Black Rock City post office in center camp, features my favorite sign anywhere at the event:


By the way, if some guy gave you an ashtray at Burning Man inscribed “World’s Smallest Forest Fire,” and you just went Googling to try to find out who it was–well, that was me. Howdy.

posted 5 September 2008 in Photos and tagged , . 1 comment

One Comment Thus Far on Friday Foto: Burning Man 2008

  1. margaret Says:

    gavin you were a stellar addition to our camp this year. go team liminal! oh wait, there is no team in fuck you! well then, fuck you team liminal! or something. xoxo

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