As mentioned previously, I wrote a feature article for Wired on the cartoon series Phineas and Ferb; you can now read it online. “I had never seen anybody draw anybody that looked like a triangle.”
posted 8 November 2010 in Articles, Outside. no comments yet
Rumor has it there might be a new Star Trek movie out. If you haven’t gotten enough of your Starfleet fix, you might want to take a look at this article I wrote for Wired on artificial languages, from Esperanto to Klingon and beyond (fans of Interlingua, Lojban, and Lincos, please raise your hands). My […]
posted 11 May 2009 in Articles, Links. no comments yet
The sets of some TV shows are Potemkin villages, just realistic enough to pass muster with the cameras on one side. Others are incredibly detailed simulacra: the most impressive ever, for my money, was the sprawling installation at Cinnecitta Studios for the HBO show Rome (more on which some other time soon). When I visited […]
posted 3 November 2008 in Articles, Outside. no comments yet
Sometime around 1999, possibly suffering from a case of pre-millennium tension, I got fascinated by futurism. I ended up collecting lots of examples of predictions that were supposed to have flowered by 2000, from cyborgs to vitamin-fortified alcohol to gunfights between astronauts in outer space. You can read the resulting article here; it starts with […]
posted 8 September 2008 in Archives, Articles, Unpublished. 2 comments
About ten years ago, Wired had a regular feature where they did “interviews” with dead people. They kicked it off with a cover story on Marshall McLuhan; it turned out that skillful excerpts from the works of sufficiently interesting thinkers of the past could create the illusion of a modern conversation. I stumbled on a […]
posted 16 June 2008 in Archives, Articles, Unpublished. no comments yet