You're browsing all posts tagged signings

Mint Museum Event Cancelled

If you were planning on coming to the Mint Museum tonight for their “Wine on Wednesday,” it’s been cancelled due to the expectation of widespread (and hopefully peaceful) protest in uptown Charlotte tonight. We’ll be rescheduling–I’ll keep you posted.

posted 30 November 2016 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet

Tao of Bill Murray Reading/Signing Schedule II

If you live in Charlotte or Atlanta, and your dream is to have me sign a copy of The Tao of Bill Murray, then good things are about to happen for you. (Also, you need to have more ambitious dreams.) On Wednesday, November 30th–tomorrow!–I will be at the Mint Museum for their “Wine on Wednesday” […]

posted 29 November 2016 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet

Tao of Bill Murray Reading/Signing Schedule

Citizens of the world! I am coming to your town to meet you and talk about Bill Murray–if that town is New York City or Charlotte, North Carolina. (I’m hoping to add more dates–watch this space.) Here are the details on my two confirmed readings and signings for The Tao of Bill Murray, which Library […]

posted 14 September 2016 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet