The first obituary I ever wrote for The New York Times was back in 2017: the subject was Charlie Watts, the quietly indispensable drummer for the Rolling Stones. (To the best of my knowledge, he never missed a gig in over 50 years, although there are [bizarrely] a few Stones tracks he doesn’t drum on, […]
posted 13 September 2021 in Articles. no comments yet
Although the Rolling Stones are one of my favorite bands, somehow I had never seen them live until this weekend. I had opportunities over the years–in the ‘9os, I was going to get tickets, but Pat, my officemate at Details, talked me out of it, arguing that I didn’t really want to see “the dancing […]
posted 5 May 2013 in Outside, Reviews. 3 comments
I apologize for the lack of posts this week; due to a family medical emergency, the regular schedule here at Rule Forty-Two HQ may be disrupted for some time to come. I did want to mention, in a followup to last week’s post about how various songwriting partnerships work, that in an effort to plumb […]
posted 21 November 2008 in Self-reflexive, Tasty Bits. no comments yet