You're browsing all posts tagged rock trivia

Gob’s Your Uncle

While I’m away at Burning Man, here’s another rock question from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (along with my answer). If you want more of these, you can either visit the Secret Rock Knowledge, or scroll down to the bottom of this page and hit the button that takes you to Amazon to buy Is Tiny Dancer […]

posted 28 August 2008 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet

Betamax Guillotine

When Is Tiny Dancer Really Elton’s Little John? was published in 2006, providing all the answers you ever wanted to your musical questions–and some you didn’t even know you needed–the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked me to answer a few bonus questions. So I did. But unless you live in Georgia, you probably never saw them. This […]

posted 26 August 2008 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet

This Is the Dawning of the Age of Rule Forty-Two

Welcome (back) to You may have noticed that I’ve made some changes around here (and there’s more to come, including an Exciting New Blog Project). Kick off your shoes and poke around. I want to thank the very talented Nathan Swartz for his design work, and point you towards the biggest addition: Secret Rock […]

posted 26 April 2008 in Buy My Stuff, Self-reflexive. 1 comment