You're browsing all posts tagged Richard Marx

1988 Countdown #37: Richard Marx, “Hold on to the Nights”

(New to the countdown? Catch up here.) We return from our commercial break to see Adam Curry, who is somehow keeping his balance despite the enormous top-heavy weight of his hair and the twenty-pound decoration dangling from his breast pocket. Adam reads the copy while placing his splayed fingertips together, as if he were a […]

posted 25 September 2014 in 1988. 8 comments

1988 Countdown #66: Richard Marx, “Endless Summer Nights”

(New to the countdown? Catch up here.) Many musicians have a career arc that takes them through various radio formats: country to top-40 and back to country, for example. One of the most common paths, taken by artists such as Rod Stewart, is classic rock to top-40 to adult-contemporary.  Richard Marx  following that route isn’t […]

posted 1 October 2009 in 1988. 7 comments

1988 Countdown #98: Vixen, “Edge of a Broken Heart”

Stiletto boots decorated with silver chains, a dramatically swelling synthesizer, scarves tied to the microphone stand, lots of makeup and hairspray–this must be a hair-metal band! In the case of Vixen, the musicians slathering on the cosmetics were all women. I suppose this qualified as a twist, given that the Sunset Strip metal scene was […]

posted 20 May 2008 in 1988. 3 comments