My neighbor’s upgraded his holiday lawn display since the last time I posted photos, two years ago. I hope you all have a wonderful year, full of joy and sunshine and dreams fulfilled.
posted 31 December 2010 in Photos. no comments yet
You're browsing all posts tagged New Year
My neighbor’s upgraded his holiday lawn display since the last time I posted photos, two years ago. I hope you all have a wonderful year, full of joy and sunshine and dreams fulfilled.
posted 31 December 2010 in Photos. no comments yet
The front yard of a house a short walk away from me: During most of the year, this house doesn’t have the blinking lights, but it does have a dozen replicas of Michelangelo’s David lined up in front of it. Here’s a closeup of a couple of them (dressed for the season): Best wishes for […]
posted 2 January 2009 in Photos. no comments yet