You're browsing all posts tagged Halston

Andy Warhol, Pusherman

Time for another excerpt from The Andy Warhol Diaries. Jade is the daughter of Bianca and Mick Jagger. Sunday, January 8, 1978 I read The New York Times at Halston’s, he was at the office. Someone called Bianca and she was on the phone for an hour talking about her problems… she was talking about […]

posted 26 July 2010 in Excerpts. 2 comments

Drinking the Kool-Aid

From The Andy Warhol Diaries, a seasonal selection: Thursday, November 23, 1978 I watched the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV. I guess New York really is booming–when you think that every member of every marching band has to stay in a hotel room overnight. I glued myself together and went down to work (cab $3.50) […]

posted 26 November 2009 in Excerpts. no comments yet