With Bahrain in the news, and the American military presence there being a large part of the story, I find myself remembering the time I spent on the Manama naval base in that small country. It was back in 2003, and I was accompanying Blink-182 as they played for American servicemen. You can read the […]
posted 22 February 2011 in Archives, Articles. no comments yet
The new issue of Rolling Stone has two of the magazine’s perennial features: a cover image of Barack Obama (his fourth, I believe) and an article by me on Blink-182 (my fifth). The article isn’t available online, so if you want to read about Travis Barker’s harrowing recovery and the band’s reunion, you’ll have to […]
posted 13 August 2009 in Articles, Self-reflexive. no comments yet
Last week, I went to Las Vegas for the opening date of the reunion tour of Blink-182 (a band I’ve written four articles on previously, including this 1999 feature, this 2000 cover story, and this 2003 account of playing for troops in the Middle East). If you’re curious about whether the boys had matured during […]
posted 29 July 2009 in Outside. no comments yet
I was shocked, of course, to hear about the plane crash Friday night in South Carolina that killed four people and hospitalized drummer Travis Barker and DJ Adam Goldstein. (The most recent press reports say that Barker and Goldstein are both expected to make a full recovery.) Everyone on that plane (and their friends and […]
posted 22 September 2008 in Archives, Articles, News. 2 comments