You're browing the archives for the month of October 2017

R.I.P. Tom Petty

Tom Petty died three weeks ago, and I’m still not used to a world without him. I interviewed him just once (for the first Mudcrutch album, about ten years ago)–he was gracious and professional and insisted that I stick around to listen to rehearsal rather than be ejected into the afternoon rush hour of the […]

posted 24 October 2017 in Outside. no comments yet

The Tao of Bill Murray Paperback

The Tao of Bill Murray is coming out in paperback, which I guess makes me a paperback writer. Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? It’s on sale October 24th and has this spiffy new cover, plus an appendix on Bill’s remarkable 2017, when the Cubs won the World Series and he went […]

posted 2 October 2017 in Buy My Stuff. no comments yet