Today, I give thanks for self-referentiality; over the course of my life, it has made me very happy. And this week, it enabled me to write the oral history of the oral history of oral histories. Happy Thanksgiving.
posted 24 November 2011 in Outside, Self-reflexive, Tasty Bits. no comments yet
As you may have heard, legendary fantasy writer Anne McCaffrey died this week at age 85. I remember her work fondly; not only did it expand my imagination in junior high school, it provoked the opening paragraph to an article I wrote about Coolio fifteen years ago. To wit: Coolio raps for a living, but […]
posted 23 November 2011 in Tasty Bits. 1 comment
Before a recent trip to Santa Barbara, I had never heard of the acorn woodpecker, which drills holes in trees and telephone poles and then methodically fills them with acorns. (I wonder if acorn woodpeckers then have epic battles with raiding squirrels.) Below, a picture of the resulting acorn treasure trove, which looks like an […]
posted 18 November 2011 in Photos. no comments yet
My apologies for the dilatory nature of posting here lately; I’ve been crazy busy working on projects that I can’t actually tell you about yet: although they are awesome, they’re being published anywhere from Halloween 2012 to Christmas 2013. But I’ll have some fun morsels for you shortly, including the next installment of the 1988 […]
posted 17 November 2011 in Articles, Outside. no comments yet