Did Mick Jagger get good grades at the London School of Economics?
No, although he probably could have. According to Walter Stern, Jagger’s tutor at the LSE, Jagger started as a promising student in October 1961. “He announced his attention of going into business but was worried about mathematics,” Stern remembered. Almost immediately, however, Jagger ran into Keith Richards, and got distracted by blues music. He started cutting his classes, some of which started at the un-rock hour of 10 A.M.; when he took his exams in June 1962, he got straight Cs. (The subjects were Economics, British Government, Economic History, Political History, and English Legal Institutions.) Nevertheless, he dutifully returned the following academic year, even working in the library—hedging his bets until the Rolling Stones had a contract to record their first single in May 1963, at which point he left school. “My father was furious with me,” Jagger said. “But I really didn’t like being at college. It wasn’t like it was Oxford and it had been the most wonderful time of my life. It was really a dull, boring course I was stuck on.”
(Excerpted from the 2006 book Is Tiny Dancer Really Elton’s Little John?: Music’s Most Enduring Mysteries, Myths, and Rumors Revealed, published by Three Rivers Press, written by Gavin Edwards.)